The GBU-24/B. GBU-24A/B. and GBU-24B/B are air-to-surface bombs with a low- level laser guidance system. Target illumination is achieved by a laser illumination device which may be ground mounted or may be carried in a target spotting aircraft. The GBUs are used against heavily defended tactical surface targets when a high degree of accuracy is required. The GBU-24A/B consists of a WGU-39/B guidance control unit. a BSU-84/B air foil group. and an ADU-548/B adapter group attached to a BLU-109/B penetrator bomb. The GBU-24B/B consists of a WGU-39B/B guidance control group. a BSU-84/B air foil group. and an ADG-770/B adapter group attached to a BLU-109A/B penetrator bomb.US Bomb. Guided. GBU-24A/B. GBU-24B/B (
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